loot boxes

Belgian players can no longer purchase loot boxes in Blizzard games like Overwatch

Bungie to disclose reward probabilities in Destiny 2 loot boxes
Guardians should now know exactly how likely it is that a cosmetic will drop

Dutch Dota 2 players can see what it's in a loot box before purchase
Latest change as the PC giant tries to please the Netherlands

Psyonix reveals the exact drop rates for Rocket League loot boxes
Developer spills the beans on how the game determines item drops

Dutch and Belgian CS:GO players can trade again but loot boxes are off-limits
Valve update restrictions in attempt to comply with regional gambling laws

French regulators say loot boxes aren't gambling but still require further investigation

Valve pulls CS:GO and Dota 2 item trading after Netherlands brings down hammer on loot boxes
PC giant in discussions with Dutch Gaming Authority to remedy situation

ESA once again defends loot boxes in video games
President Michael Gallagher insists the business model is not gambling

Rage 2 will be a service-based game, but will not have loot boxes
"We have this novel approach: You buy the game and then you play it," says developer Id Software

Loot boxes are now illegal in Belgium after gaming authority rules them to be gambling
Publishers could face sizeable fines if they don't remove paid loot crates