star wars battlefront II

EA has received Guinness World Record for having Reddit's most downvoted comment ever

EA's Wilson still has faith in BioWare despite Anthem and Mass Effect missteps
Publishing giant's CEO also discusses loot boxes and Battlefront II's less-than-stellar launch

EA delays Anthem but insists it isn't a delay, addresses Star Wars Battlefront II missteps
Release date moved - or 'delayed' - from autumn 2018 to early 2019

EA re-evaluating microtransaction strategy following Star Wars Battlefront 2 mess

Hawaiian State Representative condemns Star Wars Battlefront 2 as being an “online casino”
Chris Lee says the EA-published game is “designed to lure kids into spending money”

Belgium gambling commission calls for loot box ban following Star Wars Battlefront mess

One analyst thinks that EA undercharged for Star Wars Battlefront II
This on the basis that games work out cheaper per hour than other mediums, apparently

Blizzard throws shade at EA over Star Wars microtransaction woes
Twitter posts and video ads poke fun at that company's recent PR problems