apex legends
Hackers attacked Apex Legends... to raise awareness of Titanfall being hacked
Developer Respawn Entertainment has since resolved the issue in its battle royale game
Apex Legends saw "well over" 12m weekly active users during Season 8
EA CEO Wilson says the game "is one of the most successful games in the market today"
Apex Legends hits 291k concurrent users on Steam following Season Nine launch
But the game has faced considerable server issues due to this popularity
Apex Legends hits 100m players
Titanfall-inspired battle royale title has brought in 30m users since end of 2019
Apex Legends hits new Steam concurrent player record
Title saw 13.7 per cent spike in peak simultaneous users in January
Apex Legends studio Respawn hiring for new IP
Now-removed job listing says the firm is setting up an incubator for new properties
Respawn says it refuses to crunch team on Apex Legends
Game director Grenier says updates might be slower, but staff health is a priority
Apex Legends on track to become $1bn game this year
Free-to-play battle royale title could hit milestone two years after its release
Apex Legends set for Steam release
Title will feature cross-play with Origin, PSN and Xbox Live when it drops later this year