Telltale has removed The Walking Dead: The Final Season from sale online.
Despite releasing a statement this week reinforcing a commitment to finishing the closing act of the series, Telltale has seemingly told distributors to pause sales of The Walking Dead’s fourth and final arc.
A note on the listing for game now directs would-be purchasers to Telltale’s Twitter feed.
“Telltale has requested a temporary pause of sales of The Walking Dead - Final Season," reads a statement on GoG.
"For all up to date Telltale news, please refer to their official Twitter page.”
At the time of writing, Telltale's social channels have not confirmed the pause - ironically, a pinned Tweet still advertises sales of The Final Season. Steam, the Playstation Store and the Xbox Marketplace have also paused sales of the game.
This comes a day after Telltale’s statement reassuring fans of The Walking Dead that it was looking into options that would let it finish development of the season.
That’s in spite of the dismissal of all but 25 members of the company, who were let go without warning or severance pay last Friday.
Melissa Hutchison, the voice actress for lead character Clementine, stated over the weekend that she believed Episode 2 would be the last release for the long-running Telltale series.