A job listingfor a dungeon artist at Blizzard has confirmed the existence of a new, unannounced Diablo project.
Blizzard Entertainment is hiring for a dungeon artist, responsible for building atmospheric dungeons from the ground up. The listing is asking for an experienced artist to work closely with game and level design leads.
This all but confirms that the long-rumoured project is a new Diablo title or expansion for Diablo 3, and not a Switch port of that six year old entry. This February, Blizzard tweeted out a cryptic teaser, that many interpreted as news of a Diablo 3 Switch port. The studio later squashed those rumours, stating the tweet was "meant to be a fun community engagement piece" and that it had "nothing to announce" regarding a Switch entry.
While that project has neither been confirmed nor denied, the signs point to a new Diablo title. Previous listings this year saw Blizzard looking to hire an associate producer, production director and creative director for a potential Diablo project.
There’s every possibility this project may take the form of another expansion for 2012’s Diablo 3. But the last expansion for that game, Reaper Of Souls, released four years ago - the title’s getting on a bit.
Diablo isn’t the only franchise that may be seeing a new entry. Last October, we reported on job listings that hinted at an unannounced Overwatch project.
We may hear more at E3 this weekend, but it’s more likely any big reveal will happen around BlizzCon this November.