Last year we launched a PC version of our long established Big Indie Pitch competition in Germany at Gamescom, and since then we’ve taken the competition to Poland, Finland and London.
Just like The Very Indie Pitch and the XR Indie Pitch, this competition puts the spotlight squarely on indie developers working in the PC space, just like Robert Potter, who won the PC Indie Pitch at PC Connects London 2018 with his game This Dead Winter.
So what next for the PC Indie Pitch? Well where better to shine a light on the next big indie talent than San Francisco. As we arrive in town for Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2018.
In fact, those who are shortlisted to pitch will be given FREE TICKETS for both days of Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2018, alongside access to our Pitch & Match meeting system too.
Speed dating, but with games
We have many a regular entering our pitching competitions, but given that we've only just launched The PC Indie Pitch, many developer who enter will be brand new to our competitions. So, if you’re one of those developers who has never entered one of our Big Indie Pitches before, you may be wondering just how it works. Well, if that’s the case, then let me explain.
All in all, it largely works the same as our leading mobile pitches, albeit with a PC focus. The PC Indie Pitch process couldn’t be simpler. Developers come along with their games in hand, before being given five minutes to pitch their game to the first table of two - three judges. Once the five minutes are up, a horn will sound and it’s time to move onto the next table and do it all over again. Once developers have seen all of the judging tables their time is up and the next set of developers begin their pitches.
All in all it’s a unique chance to place your game into the hands of some of the most influential minds in industry, and receive immediate feedback on your game over the course of the meeting.
Feedback, prizes and coverage
Following the pitch we’ll also collect up all of the feedback and email this over to you so you have a written record of just what the judges liked about the game, alongside some tips and advice on how they think you could grow the game as you move forward with development. We’ll also be covering every game in our round-up right here on PCGamesInsider.Biz, whilst also interviewing the top 3 about their experience and their work.
Finally, there is of course also a range of prizes to be won. With the lucky developers able to use these prizes across our portfolio of websites in order to market and promote their game.
Interested, but not sure if you quality?
Well if that describes you, then read on:
- You can pitch games for any PC platform, even if they are also ind development for other platforms too.
- You can pitch your game even if you've pitched it at a previous BIP.
- We prefer to see unreleased games, though we're happy to see games that are out too.
- Developers must pitch their game either on a Laptop, or as a video presentation. There wont be any opportunity to set up a desktop PC for the PC Indie Pitch.
- Your game doesn’t have to be completed, as we welcome games in development.
- Deadline for entries is midnight September 15th 2017 (entry details below). However, space is limited so the sooner you enter the more likely you are of being shortlisted.
- Oh and did we mention it's completely free?
Sounds good? Well if that’s the case, then simply head over to our EVENT PAGE to find out more, or just head straight over to our REGISTRATION PAGE to submit your game now.
Don’t forget to bring your business cards, and look forward to seeing you all there.
Not developing for PC?
Well, we’ve still got you covered. As this year we’ve obviously brought back our industry leading mobile focused Very Big Indie Pitch, which welcomes all mobile and portable game developers.
Click HERE to find out more about the Very big Indie Pitch over on our sister site PocketGamer.Biz