US publishing giant Electronic Arts is closing down its Origin PC desktop client later this year.
In a post on its help site, the company revealed that it would ending the software on April 25th. This is due to Microsoft ending support for 32-bit software. Users can upgrade to the EA app, which needs a 64-bit version of Windows to work.
EA initially launched Origin back in 2011. In 2022, the company rolled out its new EA app, which was intended to replace Origin eventually.
Users can transfer their games and account from Origin to the EA app, though the company says that it cannot guarantee that any mods players have installed will work.
The EA app is our fastest and lightest PC client to date," EA wrote when its new app launched back in 2022.
"With the new streamlined design you will easily find the games and content you’re looking for and discover your new favourite games. With automatic game downloads and background updates you can ensure that your games are ready to play when you are."
The company continued: "For our Origin players, we’ve worked hard to make the transition to the EA app as simple as possible. We will be inviting you to make the move soon, and by the time you receive your invite, all your games and content, including games previously installed, will be ready and waiting for you on the EA app. Your local and cloud saves will transfer forward ensuring you can pick up where you left off. Your friends list transfers, too, so you won’t have to worry about remembering all those player IDs."