More than $1 billion has been pledged to crowdfunding campaigns in the games category on Kickstarter.
More than 17,000 games projects have been backed by over 3.2 million backers. The games category includes both tabletop and video games.
Impressive milestone
The news comes just over a week after we reported that $989m had been pledged for games projects on the platform.
It was noted at that time that of the 3.2 million backers, 1.6m donated to tabletop games and 1.6m to video games.
The website first launched in 2009 as a way for anyone to invest in a product, whether it’s to fully develop it or help bring it to market.
It was popularised as a new funding model in the games space by the Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter back in 2012, where over 87,000 backers pledge $3.3 million to bring the project to life. The finished article was released in 2014 as Broken Age.
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