It's a new year and for some people that might mean a new start and a desire to switch up your career.
During January, will be running Q&As with members of the industry to see how they got their current roles, seeing what they look for in new hires, as well as talking to top recruitment firms for their tips as to how to switch up or improve your career.
And we would like your help, too. We are asking our readership to get in touch with their advice on:
-Creating the perfect CV
-How they got their jobs
-Rising up the ladder
-What recruiters are looking for in new candidates
-What you can do to stand out from the crowd
-Preparing for a job interview
-Education and training
-Moving from triple-A to indie
If you want to share your tips, please get in touch with [email protected]. For advertising opportunities, [email protected] is your man.
Our older sibling site is also running job content for January - if you want to share your insights into the mobile games jobs market, drop a message to [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.