
PlayStation London Studio closes its doors

PlayStation London Studio closes its doors

PlayStation's London Studio has shut down after 22 years.

In a post on Twitter, the developer confirmed that it has closed down its doors for good. This cut was part of a wave of layoffs that saw PlayStation cut 900 workers around the world. It also comes three years after Sony Interactive Entertainment shut down its beloved Japan Studio.

"For over twenty years London Studio has been home to some exceptionally talented and wonderful people in the games industry," the developer wrote.

"As we close the doors, and all go forward to new adventures, we wanted to say a heartfelt thank you, to all our past and present, players and colleagues who have supported us over the years. We’ve had one wild and wonderful journey."

PlayStation London was founded in 2002 and spent much of its time working on experimental titles for Sony. These included games using the EyeToy peripheral, as well as kickstarting the SingStar karaoke franchise.

In more recent years, the studio moved to focusing on virtual reality titles.

PCGamesInsider Contributing Editor

Alex Calvin is a freelance journalist who writes about the business of games. He started out at UK trade paper MCV in 2013 and left as deputy editor over three years later. In June 2017, he joined Steel Media as the editor for new site In October 2019 he left this full-time position at the company but still contributes to the site on a daily basis. He has also written for, VGC, Games London, The Observer/Guardian and Esquire UK.